A Long Overdue Update

We’re approaching our first anniversary at the Twin City Model Railroad Museum and this has turned out to be a great partnership for us. We so very much appreciate them for taking a chance on us to host our train layout. We keep hearing from both TCMRM visitors and volunteers how happy they are to have us there. We really appreciate your support, both of our club and of the museum!

Layout #5 is growing. We’re finishing up the back side of the mountain and have something special we’re working on there in anticipation of the upcoming Lego Movie 2: The Second Part.

If you haven’t visited the museum, or you haven’t been there for awhile, please come out and see us. The museum is celebrating its 85th year (WOW!) this year. They’ll also be celebrating their third anniversary at the current location soon. Night Trains are still going on through the end of February, so this is your chance to see a whole bunch of train layouts at different scales, all lit up under moonlight conditions. (J-1 has been adding a lot of lights to our train layout over the past few months to help us fit right in!)

We still love guest trains! We’re trying to staff the layout during museum hours as many Saturdays and Sundays as we can, as well as some Fridays. So as long as one of us is on site, just ask!

We look forward to seeing you!

About Michael

@GMLTC Twittermaster
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1 Response to A Long Overdue Update

  1. Jonah says:

    How do I join? Also I live in oronoco Olmsted county if that is a problem.

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